Thanks to Barnard’s Columbia connection, you will have nearly 600 clubs 选择… and many Barnard students join and lead clubs on both sides of Broadway. Barnard-based clubs include pre-professional organizations, such as the Athena Pre-Law Society; culture clubs, like BOSS and Q; and climate action organizations, 比如发芽纽约. 除此之外,还有一些 哥伦比亚大学500个俱乐部 选择…. Check out the clubs and chat with members at the annual Activities Fair.
如果你不能 找一个俱乐部 这很合适,你可以 申请创办自己的公司. 早餐俱乐部, Barnard’s student leadership series, will guide you from launch to passing the torch and provide the skills you’ll use to make your mark long after graduation.
“尝试一些事情很好. That’s one of the great things about the school — there are so many clubs, and you can always try something and say, “这不是给我的,’改天再试.”
——Alana Koenig, 18岁
文化 & 国际俱乐部
Nearly 20 clubs and organizations help you explore your identity within Barnard’s diverse and international student body. Popular options include Q for the College’s queer community, 和 女性 club for Barnard Latinas.
Black students founded the Barnard Organization of Soul Sisters in 1968 and a year later gave College administrators a list of 10 demands. BOSS is still active on campus and, through mentorship and community, empowers its members to become leaders. Watch the video to learn more about the 50-year history.
职业生涯 & 职业俱乐部
Pre-professional clubs offer mentoring, 支持, 网络, and resources for students looking at medical, 法律, and other professional schools post-graduation. Meet future colleagues in clubs like the 十大电竞游戏综合排名化学学会 和 同侪健康交流.
影响 & 志愿者俱乐部
一些团体是这样的 致力于气候行动 on campus and around 纽约市. For instance, 发芽了 brings environmental science to first and second graders. There’s even a student-run food co-op.
十大电竞游戏综合排名表演艺术俱乐部 can help get your creative and collaborative juices flowing. Among your options: Sing with the Bacchantae a capella group, 用电灯泡表演即兴表演, or join the 国王王冠莎士比亚剧团 and get involved in the not-for-profit’s free, 巡回演出.
媒体制作 & 写作俱乐部
会写, 编辑, and production experience through a number of student-run groups and publications. 你可以为 Surgam, a publication from Columbia’s oldest club, the Philolexian社会.
自我发展 & 基于兴趣的俱乐部
Make friends and nurture hobbies in clubs like the 十大电竞游戏综合排名户外探险队, the College’s own WBAR无线电台, 和 recently formed 十大电竞游戏综合排名书虫 book club.
Student Leadership Organizations
You can help steer campus life through the Student Leadership Collective. Join the Mcintosh Activities Council, which organizes many of the most fun traditions on campus, or be active in the Student Government Association and work with students, 政府, 以及推动变革的教职员工. 竞选学生会主席. 学生 have significant ownership at Barnard. 参与.